Tuesday 18 November 2008


This last weekend I went to Italy with a couple of friends. We spent Thursday night and Friday in Rome seeing the Vatican, Coliseum, forums, Palatine Hill, and some other smaller sights. We managed to get a lot in because we did a 6 hour self-guided walking tour. In the Vatican, we paid a little extra and got a small group tour of the museums, Sistine Chapel and the Basilica. It was well worth it since we wouldn't have known anything from going around ourselves.

We took a train and spent Saturday and Sunday in Florence. One of my friends here knows someone who is studying there until December so we were able to stay in her flat. We hit all the major tourist spots and had some amazing Italian meals. On Sunday we spent about 4 hours in Pisa. Saw the leaning tower and walked around the town for a bit. Monday we were back in Rome seeing some more sights, like the Pantheon, Spanish Steps, and a church that told time on the floor from the sun coming through tiny holes in the ceiling. I had a great weekend - reminded me why I like Italy so much.

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