Sunday 21 September 2008

First Class

This Saturday I had my first class through Mountbatten. It was on British History, and was fairly boring to be honest. The morning was OK because we took a walking tour around south London. Our tour guide was pretty good and had lots of stories on just about everything. The afternoon was not so good - they attempted to cram 3,000 years of history into just under 3 hours, so not much was really learned. It was also a great day outside, so no one really wanted to be in a classroom that afternoon anyways.

The weather stayed good on Sunday, so a bunch of us went to Regent's Park and relaxed for a bit. Some of the girls wanted to do paddle boats, but they were too expensive, so we played some football instead. We also went to a mass at St. Paul's in the morning. It was a pretty good service, and it also lets you get into the church and explore for free. For dinner, we had a little taste of home - Domino's.

Work tomorrow, but the boss isn't in all week... Plus, looking forward to giving a co-worker grief for losing the Ryder Cup. He was very confident that the EU would win last week, and made sure I knew about it. I told him to just wait and see.

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